Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Nuts and Bolts

I am often asked from parents of the kids I train how I get the most out of their kids in the hour and a half I spend with them?  I simply say," We set goals and the steps to achieve them are clear."  When there is a purpose behind an action and you have a road map, with some effort and focus, anything is possible.  I make it clear to the kids I work with that the result of their training is a clear reflection of the quality of their effort.  Every hour and a half with me is just not an opportunity to become a better athlete but to practice the art of purposeful work that can transcend beyond sports into living a meaningful life.

By no means am I a prolific achiever.  I work hard at everything that I do and I am not foolish to think that a lazy effort will gain me any success.  My business partner, Dr. Michael Sanchez, is one of the hardest working people I know.  He lives and breathes our business.  He has his moments when his energy is overbearing, but you have to appreciate his sheer commitment and focus to providing the best product and service possible for our clients.  Dr. Michael Sanchez had to overcome dyslexia and it made it extremely difficult to do well in school.  To say the least, nothing comes easy for Doc.  He turned what seemed to be a debilitating disorder into a gift because he had to work harder than everyone.  He constantly proved his peers wrong and gained critical acclaim for his work with world class professional athletes and local community work.

There are no secrets or short cuts to success.  There is no substitute for hard work.  There is nothing like working and living with a purpose.  There is much to gain from hard work even if what you set out to achieve is not achieved.  Falling short of your goals will happen more often than achieving them but that is the "Nuts and Bolts" of life.  We will always  prevail when every molecule of effort is exhausted in our pursuit of happiness.

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