Saturday, February 11, 2012

Warning: Avalanches May Occur on This Road

What a week from HELL!  I over booked myself, all my projects are behind at last two weeks, I fired my website support guy, the website is in disarray, two leagues have been rescheduled in the same week, and preparing for U2SP Basketball Season 3 has been very challenging.  It just seems uncharacteristically chaotic.  They say you are what you eat, every action has a reaction and Karma is a B*@#$!  What in the world did I do to cause this avalanche?

My Uncle Roland once told me that everything has a meaning; a purpose to which a new beginning, a rebirth or keen insight of life may manifest itself.  After surrendering to the reality of my situation, I picked up the pieces and laid it out on the table.  "Damn, I'm in it deep..." I thought to myself.  After giving myself a few moments of sulking, I did what I always have... put my head down and started to dig myself out.  Hours past and the days seemed like a blur.  I had no concept of time and space.  By the time I took a breath four days have past and it was Friday 2:37 in the morning.  I put the last number on the stat sheet, 2 points for Marko Carluen.

I slowly fall back into my seat in front of my desk.  The ending of the Primetime vs Filipinas quarter finals game is on pause on my computer screen.  I feel the weight of the world melt off my shoulders.  I can't believe I am still alive.  I am not a stranger to this process.  I have been around long enough to know that avalanches can occur at anytime.  You have to have that shovel in your back pocket and have the courage to start digging your way out.  I learned a lot about myself this week.  I completed two weeks of work in a matter of  four days. It took unbelievable commitment and focus to get through.  I have never pushed myself this hard before.  I feel like I mentally and physically ran a marathon.  I am beat but I am ready for the world!

I lean over to press play to watch the remaining moments of the Primetime vs Filipinas game.  The sounds of cheer and disappointment overwhelmed me.  To watch players compete at a high level then show respect and appreciation for one another after an emotional game replenished my faith in what we do.... bring our community closer together.

*Flashback: With less than 5 seconds on the clock Marko Carluen has the the ball in his hands.  He turns and pivots.  He sees an opening and takes it.  He takes two dribbles and one two steps it to the rim.  A defender comes flying towards him to block his shot. Marko releases the ball off the glass and is hit to the floor.  We can learn a lot about those few short seconds.  A challenge presented itself to Marko with a very small window of opportunity to do something "great" that most people would pass up.  Marko ran through it.  He missed the shot but the defender was called for basket interference.  Marko hit the game winner.

We often mistaken avalanches on the road  we call life for punishment or bad luck.  Those avalanches are our opportunity to take our life experience to another level of understanding and to remind us that we have to make the most of every moment gifted to us.  Life is a Gift.  Give your all.  Give your best.